Monday, March 26, 2012

Road to a Comeback: Week 0

Well it's been a long time coming, but I'm finally to the point that I want to start bloging again. Over the past month I have reread my older posts and came to an interesting conclusion. I'm writing this blog, first and foremost, for myself. At first I wanted to get a following so that when I approached companies about sponsorship I could quote how many flowers my blog had. But now it's mostly for me. Be for warned, for the next 2 months the blog is going to be very boring and contain very little (if any) cycling related activities.

Well what has brought me to this point, what have I been doing since my last post (the day before Tour de Rock)? What happened to the promised post about Tour de Rock?

It's simple, I put away my road bike, rode the Mountain bike for fun only, visited Colorado for a week, then got shipped to Fort Benning, GA for Army Basic Training. The one thing I can say about Army Basic Training is that it has been the hardest endurance race of my life. The easiest endurance race of my life (Skool of Hard Nox) was harder than even the hardest day at basic. But the day in, day out, every day physical punishment took quit a toll on my body.

In short I had an injury during my 2nd week there that I'm just now (5.5 months latter) getting over. I sprung my ankle which led to a stress fracture in my lower left Fibia. I finally got it checked out about 2 months ago and was put on a no physical training (PT) profile for 2 months. Over that time my weight had gotten up to 160lbs (20lbs over my race weight).
154.5lbs, 16.9% BF
All measurements will be taken Monday mornings using this scale. Posted values are an average of 3 runs.

Now I can go back to PT (just no running or jumping) and will be looking to lose weight and keep my ankle healthy. Will be returning to company morning PT tomorrow (26 Mar 12) and will be working out on my own. Plan on doing core work Monday-Thursday, morning PT Monday-Friday, and some Sufferfest on the weekends.

So what about Tour de Rock? Well I had a great start. Got in with the lead group and was having a blast as we averaged 27+ mph over the first 30 miles. Then I notice my wheel set flexing more than usual, WTF was going on. Took me a few min, but by time I pulled over my back tire was completely flat. During my change I watched group after group past me. Once back on the bike I proceeded to suffer, mostly on my own, for the remaining 70 miles. O well better luck next time I guess.

So what's with the Title of this post? What race is your "comeback"? How many weeks left?
My comeback race will be Fools Gold 100 on 8 Sep 12. I believe that gives me 24 weeks for my comeback. I still have 8 weeks before I can really get back on my bike, so that will leave me with 16 weeks to train for my first ever 100 mile mountain bike race! Should be a fun road to a comeback!